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30+ Years’ Industry Experience
Supported 1,000’s Directors

Our Sector Expertise

No two businesses are the same, and likewise no two business rescue strategies should be either. What works for one company, may be wholly unsuitable for another. From differing supply chains, through to ever-changing consumer preferences and expectations, as well as industry standards and regulations, all have an impact on the viability of any business turnaround solution.

When your company is experiencing a period of financial distress, it is important to speak to an expert who understands the unique pressure points being faced by businesses within your industry. A consideration of the wider context within which your business lies is key to ensuring current and future challenges are both anticipated and addressed, mitigating any possible fallout, and helping you emerge from your current difficulties stronger and more resilient.

Rather than adopting a broad-brush approach, at UK Administrators, we will consider your company as the unique entity it is, while using our sector-specific knowledge and expertise to guide us towards an appropriate solution. We will work alongside yourself and other key stakeholders, to devise a robust yet flexible plan, ensuring your business is equipped to deal with whatever the future may hold.

With over 70 licensed business turnaround experts, our skillset is vast and our experience unparalleled. Our industry specialisms include:

Hospitality and leisure

A sector which was already experiencing challenging times has been rocked by unprecedented business disruption due to Covid-19. The added logistical challenges presented by enforced social distancing as we transition out of the immediate crisis, means demonstrating a nimble and agile nature with the ability to shift in line with changing consumer preferences will be vital to securing future success. We have specialists covering a range of consumer markets including travel, retail, pubs and restaurants, and the night-time economy.


Aviation is a sector experiencing challenges like never before, facing disruption from fluctuating fuel prices, regulation changes, and uncertain consumer demand as we look to the future. Companies will need to be prepared to evolve to meet these challenges as we enter the ‘new normal’.


Covid-19 has impacted the automotive industry hard. Sales are down, dealership networks closed, and production lines working at a reduced capacity. When consumer appetite returns, it is those companies who have adequately managed and developed a deep understanding of their supply chains which will be in poll-position.


From supply chain disruption, declining consumer confidence, and a global recession not beyond the realms of possibility, those operating within the construction sector need to be poised for more uncertain times ahead. Ensuring a close eye is kept on liquidity, considering possible refinancing options, and drafting a robust contingency plan should be seen as a matter of priority.

Professional services

Ever-changing and increasing regulation as well as the explosion of FinTech are changing the way professional services are delivered. We regularly assist lawyers, solicitors, accountants, and those across the whole financial services spectrum in this rapidly evolving environment.

With a network of business restructuring experts spanning the length and breadth of the country, we can offer a truly comprehensive service, regardless of the level of distress currently being experienced. Whether you are close to breaching financial covenants, or simply seeking advice on scenario planning to guard against potential future threats to your company, we are here to help.

At UK Administrators we pride ourselves on delivering innovation solutions to your most complex problems. We can look at debt refinancing to relieve bank and funder pressure, consider the operational and financial structure of the company to improve efficiency and reduce the risk of non-compliance, through to formal insolvency procedures if the company’s financial problems have taken it to the brink of insolvency.

If you would like to explore whether company administration could be a suitable step for your business, contact one of our expert advisers today. Through an understanding of your company and the problems it is currently facing, we can work with you to ascertain whether administration is appropriate, and if so, we will be with you every step of the way, giving your business the best chance possible of survival.